A typical day in the Oil-Protein Diet
by Lothar Hirneise
Transition days
Over the years, I have met with Dr. Dr. Budwig and her patients various possibilities of the transition days. Also in their books you will find various instructions. Below I would like to show you the 3 most important instructions for transitional days. The basic principle is that for 3 days nothing is eaten and drunk except the following written and at least three times daily warm tea (herbal teas from peppermint, rose hip, mallow or green tea) is drunk. I have also experienced frequently that patients mixed all three variants and “nevertheless” had good results. Nevertheless, I recommend you to stick to a variant. Roughly speaking, one could also say that Dr. Budwig has recommended variant 1 patients with a relatively good energy state, and variant 2 and 3 mainly work-related disorders (all variants in the book of Lothar Hirneise).
07:00 clock 1 glass of sauerkraut juice (100ml – 200ml)
In the literature with Dr. Budwig you can also sometimes read that one could drink sour milk instead of sauerkraut juice. When I became acquainted with Dr. Budwig, she gave this recommendation no longer, but exclusively Sauerkraut juice.
07:05 Folding ELDI oil
(See chapter ELDI oils for instructions)
07:20 Hot and cold showers
(See chapter ELDI oils for instructions)
08:00 clock Tea with breakfast
There is basically no prescription regarding the types of tea and also not whether the tea is to be drunk to or after the muesli. If you drink your tea with honey, I recommend that you first take 2-3 spoons of the breakfast and then drink the sweetened tea. In addition, a glass of sparkling champagne with linomel can be served for breakfast.
10:00 am Freshly squeezed juice
Dr. Budwig preferred for the 10:00 am juice carrots, celery, beetroots and apples. From time to time, she also advised patients to drink carrot juice at least every other day. She also frequently recommended the following juices:
(See chapter The practice of the oil protein diet for instructions)
12:00 clock A glass of champagne with linomel
(For instructions, see Questions and Answers: Do I have to drink the recommended champagne?)
12:15 pm Salads as starters
(Instructions in the chapter Cookbook)
Basically, there is no raw food or salads, which would not be allowed in the oil protein diet. If you have not been a “big lettuce” friend so far, make friends (slowly) and start eating the raw food you like. Please also use the recommended (electronically rich) herbs such as: dandelion, cress, yarrow, marjoram, dill, parsley, Brennesel, sorrel, Spitzwegerich, and many more.
Info: If you have not eaten a lot of raw food in the last few years, you have to assume that the intestine with the large raw food portion of the oil protein diet is not right. Unfortunately, this leads to significantly increased flatulence and possibly even to convulsions. The solution to this problem is to light vegetables slightly and temporarily reduce the raw food portion. But be careful, the goal is not to reduce the raw food forever or to reduce it forever, but for several weeks to build the intestinal milieu so that you can tolerate raw food without flatulence.
12:30 pm Lunch & Dessert
(Instructions in the chapter Cookbook)
The main meal consists mainly of vegetables, potatoes, rice, buckwheat and millet.
In the cookbook section you will find wonderful recipes for a delicious dessert. Please note that the dessert is “a must” and should definitely be eaten. So if you’re not hungry, hold back at the main course.
Info: Dr. Budwig used the word mayonnaise for salad dressings. This often led to confusion. Be sure to check out the “Mayonnaise Recipes” in the cookbook section and start to find your own salad dressing.
15:00 Afternoon
15:00 Afternoon
In the afternoon, Dr Budwig recommended different kinds of „mother juices“, sparkling wine or wine – with or without flaxseeds or with or without a few drops flaxseed oil. „Mother juices“ are 100% fruit juices, which are immediately filled after the pressing. But that was not the case many years ago. At that time, there were only „mother juices“ from the German company Karl-Hendrik Frick e.K. (apples, grapes, cherries, pineapples, papaya, or apricot).
Basic: At Dr Budwig’s time, there were companies like Frick who produced high-quality fruit juices with a very gentle process. This is, however, usually no longer the case today. Therefore I would no longer simply say that cancer patients can drink fruit juices in the afternoon. On top of that, “gentle process” means nothing but the pasteurizing process and sometimes adding sugar. It is certainly better if you drink your juices freshly pressed.
A conditional alternative would still be to press juices for the afternoon juice, store them in the refrigerator and drink them within a few days. This is energetically not as optimal as a juice freshly pressed to drink, but still significantly better than any juice you can buy in a shop.
In the literature you will also find recommendations for a second juice in the afternoon. My personal experience was that Dr Budwig usually recommended one juice, mainly papaya apple, in the afternoon. But it also shows that you always have to adapt the recommendations individually.
18:00 Dinner
Dr. Budwig emphasized the fact that dinner was taken relatively early, so that everything before the bedtime could be digested. Various soups,
Rice, oat and soya flakes and above all buckwheat in any form is intended in the evening.
20:00 clock 1 glass of red wine with linomel
This glass of red wine is not a “must” program, but rather serves a better night’s sleep. Please do not drink champagne in the evening.
You see, the oil protein diet is relatively easy to learn and also easy to perform. At the beginning, it may be a bit complicated, but believe me, other nutritional therapies like Gerson, raw food, ayurveda or macrobiotic are considerably harder to learn and, above all, much more difficult to handle.
A complete detail plan you find in the book: